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A platform for investing in building and purchasing real estate at cost





- The essence of the project

- Profitability

- Increase in income

- Real estate at cost price

- Participation in the project

- Financial transparency

- Protection of the liquidity of tokens (shares)

- Security of tokens (shares)

- The company's strategy

- Description of houses

- Company development plans

- Contacts




The essence of the project

A building investment platform in which token holders are the owners of the company, with the following rights:

- Receive the entire income of the company.

- To purchase built real estate at cost.

- Book a property in the early stages of construction.

- To control her work.

Token holders (shareholders) receive income from the company's work in the following ways:

- By increasing the value of tokens (shares) on the exchange from an increase in the value of the company's assets, its capitalization.

- Receiving dividend payments.





The income at the start of the project is 40% per annum, from the 1st construction per year (one capital turnover).

The speed of construction will constantly increase, accelerating capital turnover and increasing annual income.




Increase in income

In order to increase income by accelerating capital turnover, constant work is underway to reduce the construction time.

High speed of construction is achieved due to the coordinated work and qualifications of staff, architects, engineers and workers. The use of modern materials and technologies.

Free funds not involved in turnover are allocated for dividends to shareholders and the repurchase of tokens to maintain their price on the exchange.




Real estate at cost price

Shareholders can buy real estate built by the company for tokens at cost.

The savings amount to almost 30% from one construction (one capital turnover).

In addition, shareholders (token holders) can book the property they like at an early stage.




Participation in the project

Tokens can be purchased for cryptocurrency, or in the form of payment: for land, construction materials or work.

Mixed payment is possible: in cash and tokens.




Financial transparency

Funds are withdrawn from the balance sheet only for specific purposes: purchase of land, purchase of building materials, payment to workers for work performed, payment to designers, engineers, etc.

The company's page displays a full financial report on the funds spent, and supporting financial documents, with certificates, passports, and other documents confirming their authenticity, quality and characteristics. For each object under construction.

Initially, before the start of each new project, its estimated characteristics are published: costs, deadlines, revenue, income, etc.

Photos of the construction progress are published.

The funds received from the sale of each house built by the company are transferred to the balance sheet.




Protection of the liquidity of tokens (shares)

To allow shareholders to freely withdraw their funds from the project, the company's tokens are traded on the stock exchange, ensuring their liquidity.

In addition, tokens (shares) are constantly being repurchased by the company from holders (shareholders) in order to prevent their prices from falling on the stock exchange and avoid panic in the market.

Of course, this repurchase leads to a decrease in the capitalization of the company, but at the same time the number of tokens (shares) in circulation decreases proportionally. As a result, it does not affect the value of tokens, but it gives confidence to shareholders and increases the liquidity of tokens, their convertibility.




Security of tokens (shares)

Tokens (shares) are secured by the company's assets: cash on its balance sheet, tangible assets, intellectual property and rights owned by the company. And the token holders (shareholders) are the rightful owners of the company, and therefore of all its property.

The funds transferred by shareholders to the company's balance sheet for the purchase of tokens (shares) do not go anywhere, and also remain the property of shareholders (token holders), accumulating on the company's balance sheet as the company's working capital for its operation.

Tokens (shares) consolidate the right of each shareholder (token holder) to own the company in proportion to the number of tokens (shares) in his ownership.


Funds from the company's balance sheet are spent for specific purposes, flowing from monetary assets into tangible or non-tangible assets, without losing their value, leaving the total value of the company's assets unchanged, and with proper management and even increasing it by performing purposeful work.

The funds are channeled in two directions:

1. Infrastructural IT building of the company. Increasing its value as a business unit.

2. The profitable activity of the company is construction. As a result, the built real estate is sold and cash with income (value added) is returned to the company's balance sheet, increasing its capitalization.

Thus, working in these two directions and spending money on them increases the capitalization of the company, which means the value of its shares (tokens).


Tokens (shares) of the company are not distributed to anyone for free, only for cash, land, construction materials, work, etc.

It is beneficial for the company to pay with its tokens (shares), as this simplifies the financial chain, saves live cash, increases the company's assets and increases the liquidity (convertibility) of its shares (tokens).

Accounting calculations and actual analysis of the company's capitalization, the total value of its assets, and property (tangible and intangible) are constantly performed, which is confirmed by independent audit agencies involved.




The company's strategy

1. Minimum liabilities, financial obligations of the company:

- No fixed salaries, only percentage or piecework pay.

- No offices, and therefore: rent for them, maintenance costs, utility bills, furniture, office equipment, software, stationery, Internet fees, paper purchases, office equipment maintenance, etc. Everyone works remotely and sets up their own workplaces at their own expense.

- No construction equipment, machinery and mechanisms on the company's balance sheet, bases and warehouses for their storage, as well as any production facilities and areas for their placement. All equipment is provided by contractors or leased for the duration of construction work. When organizing their own production or construction and installation facilities, they are registered as separate companies.

Only core assets, IT resources of the company and current assets: land plots for construction, building materials, etc.


2. Quality and professionalism:

The company does not try to make money on cheap low-quality materials and cheap low-skilled workers. On the contrary, only the best quality materials from trusted suppliers and manufacturers, with all necessary accompanying documents. And the best qualified specialists, although highly paid.

This rule brings the following advantages to the company:

- High quality brings the trust of buyers, and therefore high demand and fast sales of real estate built by the company.

- High construction time, fast capital turnover, which entails high income per unit of time. Which significantly exceeds overpayments for expensive materials and highly paid specialists.

- Saving money and time to solve problems arising from poor materials and low-skilled workers.


3. Percentage payment to the company's employees:

"Everything is in the share" - then every employee of the company is financially interested in the results of the company's work.

It also brings the following advantages:

- Improves the internal atmosphere, making everyone equal.

- Delineates responsibilities and areas of responsibility.

- - Unscrupulous employees are automatically eliminated.

- Each employee feels their need for the company and participation in the common cause.

 The company saves money on the maintenance of additional employees and electronic systems that control their employees.




Description of houses

At the start of the project, low-rise flat type houses and mini-townhouses are being built. By area and by flats prices. In areas of the city of Moscow located no further than 10 km from the Moscow Ring road


The architecture of the houses is in a modern European minimalist style.

The houses are made of capital, monolithic and durable, made of wear-resistant materials. Protected from external influences, freezing and corrosion. Without additional repair and maintenance costs.

With full interior decoration, utility networks and plumbing, for furniture delivery and occupancy by residents.


On their own land plots, with gates, entrances and parking spaces.

The thermal insulation of houses meets modern standards, for comfort in cold and heat, and low heating and air conditioning costs.

Utility bills are several times lower than for an apartment due to the equipment with modern engineering systems.

The roofs of the houses are flat, with terraces, lawns and flower beds for growing plants placed on them.


Landscaping in the style of bio-architecture is being carried out.




Company development plans

- Creation of an IT platform, decentralized company managed by shareholders online.

- The official registration of a company with a bank account linked to the balance of cryptocurrencies and the legal assignment of share status to tokens.

- Insurance of company shares (tokens).

- The company's work and the construction of houses around the world.

- Construction of multi-apartment multi-storey buildings and residential complexes.

- Worldwide production for own use and for sale:

a) own building materials;

b) low-rise prefabricated houses like LEGO.





Website: https://nikita-house.com/

VK eng: https://vk.com/building_townhouses_eng

TG eng: https://t.me/Building_townhouses_ENG

White paper eng: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zICMF0HD2CYTDQfyBEMvurx3n5K8jCGQEceoSCaAr6k/edit?usp=sharing